
wall art, posters and printables


Emotion is anticipation of actual feeling.

Serial number – B066

PNG file, Dimensions: 5645 × 4315 PX

Price: $34

NFT on objkt

    All my life, I thought that emotion was something less complex than feeling. As if feelings are emotions digested by the intellect. When describing feelings, we come up with not only names, but also events and reactions to them, that is emotions.

    In fact, or according to the concept of LSP (Live Sense Posters), no one knows what feelings are. Anyone alive can experience them, react directly, indirectly or unconsciously, describe their experience, speculate on it in the sophisticated imagination of others. But no one is able to manipulate feelings, spirituality itself. Or…

    Experience is knowledge, you may say. Therefore, once someone has experienced this or that sensation, he owns it to some extent. For example, if you jumped with a parachute, you understand what flying is like. In principle, even without parachute jumping, almost everyone is capable of flying, but only in their sleep.

    It turns out that emotion is no different from feeling. Unless emotion is always ahead and feeling, when it has already touched awareness, lasts and fades.

    Gurus, motivators, authors, self-confident people with a rich imagination say that those who are able to fly in their imagination, not only in their dreams, are able to change the surrounding reality. That is, if you can feel the corresponding emotions, then reality will change. The same thing that happens to you when you are overwhelmed by emotions will happen to reality.

    For us, the order of materialization of spiritual energy is as follows. First, events occur that cause emotions, then there is a process of awareness. For spirituality, living matter itself, touch is inceptive. If you don’t try to break dualism and divide the world into material and spiritual components, the picture becomes clear.

    Events give rise to feelings, and feelings give rise to events. It is important to understand that without love, no constructive work is possible. For this simple reason, the only possible driving force arose, a force capable of creating worlds, giving the joy of being, boundless pleasure and all that for the sake of which it makes sense to be.

    Of course, love appeared ahead of the subsequent filling. The sense of mind inside it is always looking for additional meanings because nature is structured so that any “new meaning” is accompanied by a reward for this very mind.

    Without a feeling of love, all meanings are lost in a depressive, petrifying, lifeless desert. The Holy Trinity – disease, evil, stupidity is doomed to degradation and degeneration, that's where it comes from.

    In other words, the question is, is it possible, being an instrument, to generate your own desired sound around yourself? Is it possible to become the center of the Universe, feel that you are in love, healthy, rich and get all this from the reflective space? Of course, you can! And why would anyone feel differently?

    If we, humanity, came directly from spirituality, then we would be gods. However, my imagination tells me that we are at least one recursive step away, inside a space already systematized by someone… but this is a topic for another conversation.