
wall art, posters and printables

Live Sense Posters

Creative, spiritual, esoteric, meditative, poetic, musical NFTart.

88 Live Sense Posters on tezos/objkt

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  • different styles
  • limited edition
  • eternal growing value
  • no scams and marketing ploys


Don't you think that people created a word?
Not on the contrary, no.
And all the words are good and equal,
like us, people, by default.
Then we created a god
according to our own appearance, so
we can be some kind of virus or bacteria
on someone's wound, bloody sore.
And when it's healed,
we'll be unintentionally killed
in the same manner as we once appeared.

Jesus gave us the idea
that the god should be just one.
Although we used to have many of them,
only one survived,
like Duncan MacLeod or Neo, the Chosen One.
He will be able to stop even time
and see the zeroes and ones.
“Where is he?”- you'll ask.
Look into the mirror. You see?
He is in you and me.

I sincerely believe
that no god came to this planet
and never will.
But even if it was true,
you've never seen it
and hardly will see.
Such is your destiny, the sinner is you.
So why do you need this fairy tale?
But we have to believe into something, you'll say.

I could also have only one god,
I'd name him Existentialism
on the planet Absurd,
in the dualistic system being locked
where we made up another system and do what we want
on behalf of the golden calf,
angels, demons, Satan or Saint Lord.

I was born in this system
to appreciate it and destroy it
or be destroyed.

Serial number – B135

PNG file, Dimensions: 4096 × 4096 PX

Price: $34

NFT on objkt


The consciousness phenomenon is a figment of god's imagination.

Serial number – B134

PNG file, Dimensions: 4096 × 4096 PX

Price: $34

NFT on objkt

Spirit is beyond

The spirit is beyond your body.
You hear it as far as you can feel.
It may be just a lesson that you study
Or an illusive part of you that's getting real.

You think you kill time
While time is killing you.
You think you have feelings,
But feelings own you.

Serial number – B133

PNG file, Dimensions: 4096 × 4096 PX

Price: $34

NFT on objkt


Your only freedom is in your attitude.

Serial number – B132

PNG file, Dimensions: 4096 × 4096 PX

Price: $34

NFT on objkt


All… or nothing, just in case.
A lonely divine being walks.
Feral sunlight wildly plays,
A storm is roaring without words.

A hidden anxiety reason,
A deep meaningless pain
Burns in the void of a prison,
Engulfed by the fire in vain.

Look how easy it's to be sorry
About imagining the world!
Something hopelessly is growing,
But doesn't bother anymore.

The inceptive immortality is stinging,
Tongues are always doing bits,
About falling into love, they're dreaming
Or forever staying kids.

Time's a grid in all directions
Guesting in a stupid space.
Laugh and see the world reflections
On your hopeless, fearless face.

After the end, we'll finally know that
There are no limits for curious eyes.
Promise to stay with me in this moment
On the road to the dream paradise.

Serial number – B131

PNG file, Dimensions: 4096 × 4096 PX

Price: $34

NFT on objkt


Slaves succumb to an idea and are used as a weapon.

Serial number – B083

PNG file, Dimensions: 4096 × 4096 PX

Price: $34

NFT on objkt


We don't accumulate energy like batteries, but adjust like violins.

Serial number – B082

PNG file, Dimensions: 4096 × 4096 PX

Price: $34

NFT on objkt


It's nice to realize myself as a cell of god.
I don't want to be in a cell, though.

Serial number – B081

PNG file, Dimensions: 4264 × 4402 PX

Price: $34

NFT on objkt

Equality of neurons

Equality of neurons saves you from being biased. Meditation is reality sensation without interpretation.

Serial number – B080

PNG file, Dimensions: 4096 × 4096 PX

Price: $34

NFT on objkt


The original is the avatar and the soul rolled into one.

Serial number – B079

PNG file, Dimensions: 4096 × 4096 PX

Price: $34

NFT on objkt


Your body is not the source of life, but the instrument for it to go through 

Serial number – B078

PNG file, Dimensions: 4096 × 4096 PX

Price: $34

NFT on objkt


What we see and what we seem is a dream within a dream.

Serial number – B077

PNG file, Dimensions: 4096 × 4096 PX

Price: $34

NFT on objkt


Thriving is releasing regrets and fears.

Serial number – B076

PNG file, Dimensions: 4096 × 4096 PX

Price: $34

NFT on objkt


Convinced or ready to be surprised.

Serial number – B075

PNG file, Dimensions: 4096 × 4096 PX

Price: $34

NFT on objkt


“To hear the music of the winds,
Don't get attached to shallow things.
To fly with them above the world,
Stay always curious and bold.

Just free your mind and spread your wings.
Prepare your ears to hear your dreams,
Your eyes to manifest your thoughts,
Your head to embody your words.

The instrument is in your hands.
So play it well so you can dance.”

Serial number – B074

PNG file, Dimensions: 4096 × 4096 PX

Price: $34

NFT on objkt

Love movement

Life is love movement.

Serial number – B073

PNG file, Dimensions: 4096 × 4096 PX

Price: $34

NFT on objkt

Peacock tail

Having spread the peacock tail,
Ahead of the rainbow, I run.
Everyone here has no brain.
To the very last one, all are dumb.

Serial number – B072

PNG file, Dimensions: 4096 × 4096 PX

Price: $34

NFT on objkt